Call for Submissions: More Information
Proposals and drafts wanted for a new anthology On Silence from La Migdalia Press.

Rights and Compensation
Authors will retain rights to their work but must grant La Migdalia Press rights to publish and sell accepted pieces as part of a paperback and eBook anthology (and potentially an audiobook format). At this time, we are unable to offer monetary compensation in the form of financial advances; however, all contributors will receive at least one complimentary paperback and one eBook copy of the completed texts. Contributors who wish to participate in in-person events, such as readings in bookstores, libraries, coffee shops, and conferences, will have the opportunity to purchase copies of the book at wholesale prices to sell at your event and keep all proceeds from these sales in exchange for submitting a report on number of copies sold (to assist the publisher with marketing figures).
In the event that revenues exceed expenses (e.g., more than 250 copies sold annually), contributors may become eligible for royalty payments. Acceptance of royalty payments may be conditional on applicable laws in the United States or other relevant jurisdictions for international authors.

Anticipated Publication Timeline
This project will be an experiment in crip-time, in which we fully expect the editor and contributors to work hyperfocus-fast at times and chronic-illness-slow at other times. We aim to allow for flexibility while maintaining the progress that will allow us to put a physical paperback in your hands in early 2026. If you need deadline adjustments, please contact the editor, Jessica Leza, at 
Proposals due: March 31, 2025; please submit earlier when possible to allow for prompt editorial feedback within 1-2 weeks
Full drafts due: June 30, 2025
Revision period: July-August 2025
Final drafts: October 31, 2025
Publication begins: December 2025, available to consumers in early 2026

About the Editor and Publisher
Jessica Leza, MA, MT-BC, is a music therapist,  author, editor, and founder of La Migdalia Press. In 2023, she published An Introduction to Neurodiversity and Autistic Culture for (Music) Therapists. La Migdalia Press aspires to be a tool for platforming aspiring authors who have historically been overlooked by standard publishers while producing creative, adventurous works of non-fiction and fiction. To read the editor’s draft contribution to this anthology, see 

Questions? Please contact Jessica Leza,, using the subject line “On Silence: Question.” Call for Submissions: More Information
Proposals and drafts wanted for a new anthology On Silence from La Migdalia Press.

Rights and Compensation
Authors will retain rights to their work but must grant La Migdalia Press rights to publish and sell accepted pieces as part of a paperback and eBook anthology (and potentially an audiobook format). At this time, we are unable to offer monetary compensation in the form of financial advances; however, all contributors will receive at least one complimentary paperback and one eBook copy of the completed texts. Contributors who wish to participate in in-person events, such as readings in bookstores, libraries, coffee shops, and conferences, will have the opportunity to purchase copies of the book at wholesale prices to sell at your event and keep all proceeds from these sales in exchange for submitting a report on number of copies sold (to assist the publisher with marketing figures).
In the event that revenues exceed expenses (e.g., more than 250 copies sold annually), contributors may become eligible for royalty payments. Acceptance of royalty payments may be conditional on applicable laws in the United States or other relevant jurisdictions for international authors.

Anticipated Publication Timeline
This project will be an experiment in crip-time, in which we fully expect the editor and contributors to work hyperfocus-fast at times and chronic-illness-slow at other times. We aim to allow for flexibility while maintaining the progress that will allow us to put a physical paperback in your hands in early 2026. If you need deadline adjustments, please contact the editor, Jessica Leza, at 
Proposals due: March 31, 2025; please submit earlier when possible to allow for prompt editorial feedback within 1-2 weeks
Full drafts due: June 30, 2025
Revision period: July-August 2025
Final drafts: October 31, 2025
Publication begins: December 2025, available to consumers in early 2026

About the Editor and Publisher
Jessica Leza, MA, MT-BC, is a music therapist,  author, editor, and founder of La Migdalia Press. In 2023, she published An Introduction to Neurodiversity and Autistic Culture for (Music) Therapists. La Migdalia Press aspires to be a tool for platforming aspiring authors who have historically been overlooked by standard publishers while producing creative, adventurous works of non-fiction and fiction. To read the editor’s draft contribution to this anthology, see 

Questions? Please contact Jessica Leza,, using the subject line “On Silence: Question.”

Image of book cover with watercolor rainbow background and the title of the book and author name in black text

An Introduction to Neurodiversity and Autistic Culture for (Music) Therapists is available at the following libraries:

About La Migdalia Press

La Migdalia is an independent press founded in 2023, named for ancestor Olga Maria Migdalia.